We are just providing you a courtesy email providing you with an update to how the extension on stage 4 restrictions in Metropolitan Melbourne affect the closure of our office.

As per the Victorian Premier's road map to reopening our office will remain closed until 'Step 3' is achieved. Although this is a dependent upon new COVID-19 case numbers it is estimated to be until Monday 26th October 2020.

We will therefore continue to work from home until this time however these are challenging times and although we recognize our work is not being completed as efficiently as normal we hope the planned strategies to minimise any disruption to our delivery of services to you has been working. We would just like to thank you again for your continued patience and understanding during this time.

We also remind you that our office phone landline is not being manned during this closure, however if you ring our main line it will give you options on how to contact us.

Furthermore, we have set up a mail redirection so if you are not able to email us you can still send us mail via our PO Box.

Stay Well & Stay Safe!